Holi is the time when Indians socialize with colors and massive gatherings. With the background of COVID-19 lurking all around, its imperative that simple precautions are taken care of.
Stay informed
While still to cause disruption in India, COVID-19 has already proved itself to be deadly. It has disrupted life across the globe. So its good to follow National and local authorities advises. If for any reason authorities issue an advisory, follow it.
Protect yourself and others from getting sick
If you do not feel 100% stay indoor

First and foremost – if you think you have any flu like symptoms, stay indoor and avoid social contacts. This will lessen your chances of getting infected with the disease when your body is already weak. Also you will not spread any sort of infection

Use disinfectants in the water to dissolve colors. Stop communicable diseases including COVID-19
Holi is a festival of colorful splashes of water. Ensure that the water has enough disinfectant before you rinse someone with it. Simple but effective.

Last but not the least, wash your hands as much as possible with alcohol based hand-rub or water and soap, as often as you can. This is a festival of social contacts, ensure that everyone including yourself is protected.
Also – eat only well cooked food, cover your mouth and nose if you cough or sneeze.
We wish all a very Happy and safe Holi
Should we play Holi this year?“I would advise against celebrating Holi this year,” It’s not just about the festival though… I would advise against unnecessary trips to malls, bazaars, conferences, or any public spaces that are crowded. The infection can be transmitted by those exposed to the virus, and you can’t keep a track of all those you come across. The only thing you can do is lower the odds of getting the infection, so non-essential attendance in crowded places is discouraged. Holi is a social festival - large groups play together and it takes just one infected person to start off the transmission. It’s just not worth the risk,” he added.

Studies have shown that the incubation period of the virus is 2-14 days. Asymptomatic people can also spread the infection which is why social distancing and personal hygiene is important. So, if you have a large Holi gathering and go from house to house, you may increase your odds of getting the infection. This is also the reason many RWAs (resident welfare associations) and offices are cancelling society Holi celebrations. It might have been something you were looking forwards to, but at this time it's better to be safe than sorry. 
 the virus shouldn’t cause panic in the country yet because the number of cases is small. However, people need to practice personal hygiene and not just preach it. 
 one can play Holi as long as it is within the family and no one has symptoms. “If the celebration is small and you are only playing with your family members and no outsiders, then there isn't an increased risk of getting the novel virus. It is true that the virus can be transmitted without symptoms, but Holi doesn’t change that. On the other hand, if you are playing in a larger group, then I have some reservations. You can then increase your chances of getting the infection,” she reasoned. 
So there is a consensus - if you do play, do so in a small group of people you encounter regularly. Avoid larger gatherings for the time being.

What are some precautions to take if you play?

“If you do decide to play, make sure that no one who is displaying signs of cold, or has a fever, is involved. If you are able, ensure that everyone you play with is not displaying symptoms. This method has a lot of limitations though - so fair warning,” 
 With Holi, there is a likelihood of getting skin allergies and eye infections because of the chemicals in synthetic colours, but medical advice for that is routine and is unrelated to the coronavirus.
The doctors had some general advice as well. “While people may know how the disease is transmitted, there are gaps in compliance. I’ll find that patients will come to me and take off their masks and put them on the table. The virus can spread through surfaces this way, and also, if you are coughing and sneezing, don’t take your mask off - it is there to protect the people around you,” 

Can being out in the cold make you more vulnerable to the infection?

The flu and related viruses are seasonal and there are spikes in winter months in India. However, it is not the cold that makes you sick - you need to come in contact with the virus to get an infection. The dryer air in the colder months has been linked to higher viral transmissibility as well, and scattered studies have shown that the immune system may be weakened at colder temperatures. So should you not play in cold water this Holi? It's probably safer not to. And if you feel uncomfortably cold and are shaking, find a spot in the sun and dry off. While there are no black and white circumstances, these little steps may improve your odds of not catching a cold.
In summary, both the doctors thought that while the spike in cases is concerning, there is no need to panic yet and to comply with the basics of practising personal hygiene and maintaining distance from those who appear sick.
While efforts are on to check and screen 88 people who came in contact with the Delhi man, the growing scare over coronavirus, which has claimed over 3,000 lives, mostly in China, has taken the colour off Holi that falls on March 10.



Eco Friendly Homemade Holi Color Powder Recipe

One easy way of creating Holi powder is mixing any flour (wheat or Maida) with food colors but even food colors have chemicals these days, so better go natural…

1. Red Color Homemade Holi Powder Recipe

Red color signifies both sensuality and purity. In India, red color has the utmost significance and it is the most preferred color for marriages and birth of child. All married women wear a red tilak on the forehead during ceremonies and festivals

How to make Dry Red color Holi Powder at home?

The red color powder can be made in the following ways
1. Dry the petals of Red Rose in sun and after they become crisp, they can be powdered in a mixer and a little flour can be added to increase the volume.
2. Now this is a little costly venture, but nonetheless can be used for children as it is perfectly safe and even healthy for the skin. Use Red Sandal Wood Powder or Raktachandan as a red holi color powder.
3. Red Hibiscus flower can be dried in shade and blended in a mixie to a powder consistency.

How to make Wet Red color Holi Powder (liquid) at Home?

1. Mix the sandalwood powder in water to get a uniform solution.
2. Mix a teaspoon of limestome powder or chuna or sunnambu in a cup of water with a teaspoon of turmeric and dilute it with water as required.

2. Saffron or Orange color Homemade Holi Powder Recipe

Saffron represents Fire and as impurities are destroyed by fire, it also symbolizes purity.

How to make Dry Saffron or Orange color Holi powder at Home?

The Tesu Flower or the Flame of Forest can be dried and powdered and mixed with flour for more volume.

How to make Wet Saffron or Orange color Holi Powder (Liquid) at Home?

1. The Tesu flowers can be either soaked in water or boiled overnight for a yellow orange color water.
2. Henna can be mixed with water to yield a orange color water, if you are using it for kids, make sure you get a good quality Henna powder.
3. A few strands of Kesar or Saffron can be soaked in water overnight and can be diluted with water.

3. Green Color Homemade Holi Powder Recipe

Green is a festive color and signifies life and happiness.

How to make Dry Green Color Holi Powder at Home?

Mix equal quantity of good quality henna powder with flour to form a green color home made holi powder. Make sure it is pure henna powder with no additional ingredients.

How to make Wet Green Color Holi Powder (Liquid) at Home?

Pluck fresh neem leaves and boil them in water. Allow the mixture to cool, remove the superficial water and dilute as needed.

4. Yellow color Homemade Holi Powder Recipe

Yellow signifies Knowledge and Learning. Yellow symbolizes happiness, peace and meditation.

How to make Dry Yellow Color Holi Powder at Home?

This is the easiest of all the recipes, just mix 2 parts good quality turmeric powder with 4 parts of Besan flour.

How to make Wet Yellow Color Holi Powder (Liquid) at Home?

Mix turmeric in water or boil chrysanthemum or marigold flowers in water.

5. Blue Color Homemade Holi Powder Recipe

Blue symbolizes bravery and determination. The Hindu Gods Lord Rama and Krishna are blue colored as they fought against evil.

How to make Dry Blue color Holi powder at home?

The Neeli Gulmohar which blooms in summer has a bright colored flower which can be dried and powdered.

6. Purple Color Homemade Holi Powder Recipe

How to make wet purple color homemade holi powder (liquid) ?

Chop 1 to 2 kg of Beetroot and boil them in a cooker with water. Leave 5 to 6 whistles. After it cools, remove the water and dilute it as required. Please Note – Either use fresh color or preserve it in fridge if using later.

7. Brown Color Homemade Holi Powder Recipe

Brown color can be substituted for black, as many consider black inauspicious.

How to make Brown color holi powder at home?

Mix 1 part of Henna powder with 4 parts of Amla powder for Brown color or dissolve them in water for a brown color water.
To get other colors You can use the following recipe
Homemade Holi Color Powder Recipe

  • 1 cup cornstarch
  • ⅓ to ½ cup of water
  • 1 ounce food color
  1. In a mixing bowl, mix corn starch and water to form a consistency that doesn't ooze off
  2. Wear protective gloves and mix the food color with the cornstarch mix.
  3. Allow the mixture to dry for 2 days in a bowl.
  4. After 2 days place the dried powder in a baking tray in a preheated oven for 30 mins at 350 Degree.
  5. This will dry up the mixture more and cracks will appear in the powder.
  6. Blend this mixture in a blender to form powder
  7. Store in a airtight container.


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